
Repair of Corroded Seawall in Boathouse (Fort Lauderdale, FL)
February 2023
Work begins on repair of a corroded steel seawall at this boathouse facility in Fort Lauderdale, FL. A length of 530 ft (161 m) X 13 ft (4 m) of steel sheet pile is being repaired. The field installation of the SPiRe system will be a cooperative effort between FRP Construction, LLC and Matrix Marine, LLC.

PileMedic is selected to repair steel piles in Mexico
December 10, 2022
No Leaks S.A. de C.V./TPO has been awarded a contract to repair 63 steel piles (14-inch diameter x 40-ft tall) for the chemical conglomerate Innophos in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, Mexico. In this Phase I, 63 severely deteriorated piles (some with 100% section loss) will be repaired. These piles require the use of the patented ShearWraps to restore their full capacity. The project is expected to last 5 months.

The first application in repair of a deck (Galveston, TX)
August 12, 2022
In the first application of this kind, SPiRe® panels will be used to repair severely corroded deck and beams in the Port of Galveston. The contract for $1.8M was awarded to FRP Construction LLC for a design-build solution. These SPiRe® panels (shells) are custom made to match the shape and size of the beams. GFRP reinforcing bars can also be placed inside the shells. The shells are lifted and anchored to the underside of the host structure. The annular space is filled with concrete or grout. The shells will remain in place permanently, providing corrosion protection for the repaired structure for decades. To learn more about this innovative patented technology, watch this video.

US Patent #11286632 – Shear Transfer Ring and Clamp
March 29, 2022
In repair of steel piles, there is not significant shear transfer between the steel surface and the reinforced concrete column that is being cast. Engineers often use welded shear studs to transfer the loads from the column to the pile. Welding under water is challenging and costly; some sites do not allow any welding. ShearWrap is a specially-designed steel band that is placed around the pile (like a belt) and it is torqued to a specific value. Each ShearWrap is capable of transferring a certain force through friction mechanism. We offer a similar device called ShearClamp for repair of steel H-piles.

US Patent #10968631 – Structure Reinforcement Partial Shell (SPiRe)
April 6, 2021
This patent is being marketed as Sheet Pile Repair (SPiRe) system for repair of seawalls or decks of bridges and piers which cannot be accessed all around (i.e. 360 degrees). The custom-made SPiRe shells are secured to the structure such that an annular space is created between the shell and the host structure. Reinforcing bars can also be placed in the annular space before its ends/edges are sealed and it is filled with grout or resin. The SPiRe shell will remain in place permanently, keeping moisture and oxygen away from the host structure and providing a long service life for the host structure.

US Patent #10808412 – Spacers for Repair of Columns and Piles
October 20, 2020
Placement of longitudinal bars or creating a well-defined annular space thickness are challenging in repair of columns and piles. This patent covers spacers of various shapes and sizes that can be attached to a pile or column. Reinforcing bars can also be inserted into and supported by these spacers. When the PileMedic laminate is wrapped around the pile, it touches the outside edges of the spacers, this defining an exact thickness for the annular space.

US Navy, Army use PileMedic® for rapid pile repair.
PileMedic® takes part in a recent live demonstration at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii, where U.S. Navy and Army divers helped demonstrate PileMedic’s rapid repair capabilities. Watch the video here on the PileMedic Installation Videos page.

PileMedic® and SPiRe® team up to appear in Marine News magazine’s Inland Infrastructure Renewal coverage.
The latest rapid marine pile repair systems from QuakeWrap, Inc. represent permanent, economical restoration solutions currently being applied to rapidly corroding steel and concrete structures in U.S. ports and inland waterways. Read the complete article here.

PileMedic® Makes the Grade for Repairing Damaged Timber Piles
A comparison of FRP methods to repair timber piles used for bridges shows PileMedic as an extremely effective repair and strengthening system. Report published by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) with support from the Nebraska Department of Roads and conducted by Florida International University. Download a copy of this comparative report here.

SPiRe® sheet pile repair system debuts at Underwater Intervention 2017
An effective new method of repairing and restoring corroded steel sheet piles and seawalls using FRP technology from PileMedic® makes its debut at the premier event for ocean engineering and marine salvage. Read the corporate announcement from QuakeWrap, Inc.

Structural Challenge Facing the Wireless Communications Industry
Article appearing in Structure magazine highlighting the strengthening of a concrete cell tower using the PileMedic FRP system. Read the full article here.

Repair Systems for Deteriorated Bridge Piles
An extensive research funded by Texas DOT on repair and strengthening of corroded steel H piles has been completed by researchers at the University of Houston. Tests show that even in sections that had lost as much as 80% of the steel due to corrosion, PileMedic® could restore the full capacity of the piles. You can download a complete report of the test in pdf format by clicking here.

Repairing Damaged Concrete Bridge Columns in California
Tests sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation and California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) show how a bridge pier severely damaged in an earthquake can be quickly repaired and returned to service using PileMedic® carbon laminates. You can read the summary of the test or click here to watch a video describing the study.

Strengthening Timber Utility Poles in Arizona
In collaboration with Tucson Electric Power Company (TEP) we are testing a technique that allows broken timber utility poles to be repaired while the pole remains in service!! The repaired pole becomes stronger than a new steel pole. You can read about the test or watch a video of the test here.

US Army COE, FEMA Choose PileMedic for More Rapid Post
Disaster Repairs— The US Army Corps of Engineers and FEMA’s Urban Search & Rescue Program have singled out PileMedic® as the only system for fast repair of columns and piles that are damaged in a disaster such as hurricane, earthquake, terrorism, etc. The detailed instructions for how to install PileMedic® carbon laminates are shown on pages 4-4 and 4-5 of the 7th edition of the Field Operations Guide (FOG) and can be viewed by clicking here.

NYS DOT Approval of PileMedic
After several months of testing and evaluation, NY State DOT has approved PileMedic® Jackets for repair of Piles in the State. To view the approval letter, please click here.

Repair of Steel Reinforced Columns Using FRP Laminates
The January 2012 issue of Structure Magazine published an article on repair of seventy corrosion-damaged steel structures in Tucson Electric Power Company substations using PileMedic® jackets. To read this article please click here .

Missouri DOT Pioneers Implementation of Next Gen FRP Products
Two part article appearing in Modern Contractor Solution magazine describing PileMedic® repairing some 50 bridge pilings in the St. Louis area. You can read this informative article series here.

Underwater Pile Repair in Florida
ICRI Concrete Repair Bulletin article describing the application of PileMedic® for repairing underwater piles in Miami, including the structural advantages of PileMedic laminates over standard pile jackets. Read the full article click here .

Waterfront Timber Piles, New York
In a demonstration project in Brooklyn, NY, two timber piles in a water front project will be retrofitted with PileMedic®

Concrete Bridge Pile Repair, Missouri
In a demonstration project to Missouri DOT, two concrete bridge piles on a bridge on HWY 62 at the border of Missouri and Arkansas were repaired with PileMedic®.